Energy Innovation

Building a better future, using smarter technology to secure cleaner energy

Nuclear Innovation Programme

The Nuclear Innovation Programme is an integrated 5 year programme of research and innovation funded by The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to further the UK's civil nuclear power objectives as set out in the Nuclear Sector Deal. The Nuclear Innovation Programme is comprised of five key research areas:

  • Nuclear Fuels
  • Advanced Manufacturing & Materials
  • Advanced Reactors
  • Recycle and Waste Management
  • Strategic Toolkit & Facilities
Frazer-Nash Consultancy and our partners are undertaking research and innovation across a number of these research areas.

Frazer-Nash is delighted to be delivering on the objectives of the Nuclear innovation Programme, having secured a number of contracts in diverse technical areas in the nuclear industry has enabled the assembly of the diverse and highly collaborative teams required to deliver The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy's (BEIS) ambitions.

Our understanding of both the technical content and how to effectively manage research partnerships and contracting has allowed The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to invest in the development of UK capability with confidence.

Image of earth at night, taken by satelite, showing light sources from cities

Our Contribution

Securing skills and setting for future technologies with Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics research and innovation in the UK

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has tasked Frazer-Nash Consultancy and its trusted partner organisations to deliver the first phase of a programme of nuclear thermal hydraulics research and innovation.

Phase 1 of the programme comprises two parts:

  • The specification and development of innovative thermal hydraulic modelling methods and tools
  • The specification of a new United Kingdom thermal hydraulics test facility
The work is intended to consider all future reactor technologies including Gen III+, small modular reactors and advanced reactor technologies.

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Developing understanding in advanced joining techniques for nuclear applications. Unlocking the blockers for the adoption of new technologies in nuclear new build.

The Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Nuclear Structural Materials theme is focussed on developing materials performance data and fundamental understanding of materials and related manufacturing processes. This R&D is focussed on the next generation of high value components for SMRs and Gen IV reactor systems. We are helping to remove the blockers for the wide scale use of electron beam welding in nuclear new build."

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Research and Development in Civil Nuclear Safety & Security. Developing new capabilities to realise opportunities in both national and international markets.

The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has tasked Frazer-Nash and our subcontractor partners to deliver the Reactor Design: Safety & Security R&D Programme. The Programme forms part of the Nuclear Innovation initiative that represents a significant commitment by the government to help the UK civil nuclear sector develop innovative approaches, capabilities and tools to improve nuclear safety and security practice. It represents a significant opportunity to produce novel R&D that can be exploited by the wider nuclear industry to improve performance in safety and security, whilst driving efficiencies and cost reduction in design, and operation of new and existing nuclear reactors.

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Contact Us

Contact Name

Tom Purnell


Narrow Quay House, Bristol, BS1 4QA

Phone Number

+44 (0)117 937 8403

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