Project FORTE Phase 1
Phase 1 was completed in 2019 and identified areas of Thermal Hydraulics research and development in the UK through the following programme.
All published deliverables from this work are available to download using the document picture links below or visit the publications site for all exportable documents
1. State of the Art Review
2. User Requirements
3. Model and Facility Specification
4. Innovative Research and Development
5. Benefits
This work identified and reviewed the user requirements that should drive development of the UK thermal hydraulics capability.
A wide range of reactor developers, academic institutions, service providers and the UK regulatory body covering a diversity of reactor types and development aspirations were approached to provide feedback and input.
These user requirements were used to develop the specification documents for the test facility and model development.
Phase 1 identified what thermal hydraulic facilities and modelling capability is required by the end users/developers to improve the efficiency and reliability of nuclear power plants now and in the future.