Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics (NTH) Publications

Phase 1
FNC 53798-46733R Modelling Critical Review Issue 1
FNC 53798-46969R Facility Critical Review Issue 1
FNC 53798-46706R User Requirements Issue 2
FNC 53798-47483R Modelling Capability Specification Issue 1
FNC 53798-49080R SCWR Benchmark Study Issue 1
FNC 53798-48653R Aerosol Dynamics Issue 1
FNC 53798-48652R UoM Sodium Research Issue 1
FNC 53798-48657R Rod Bundle Boil-off Issue 1
FNC 53798-48654R Subchannel Flow Issue 1
FNC 53798-48655R Natural Convection Loops Issue 1
FNC 53798-48656R SPH Research Issue 1
FNC 53798-48650R Smart Component Models Issue 1

Information Sheets
Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics Facility Specification
Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics Modelling Specification
A Benchmarking Study for SCWR
Aerosol dynamics in the cover gas region of a LMFR
Development of Novel Coarse Grid Sub Channel CFD
Meshless Method for Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics
Single Phase Natural Convection
Thermal hydraulics of Liquid Metal Fast Reactors
Two phase Flow and Heat Transfer

NTH Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings
Welcome Slides NTH SIG 18-02-2019
BEIS Nuclear Innovation Programme NTH SIG 18-02-2019
Modelling Methodology Development NTH SIG 18-02-2019
Smart Models Reactor Components NTH SIG 18-02-2019
Thermal Hydraulics for LMFRs NTH SIG 18-02-2019
Project FORTE Thermal Hydraulics NTH SIG 19-02-2018
Project FORTE Thermal Hydraulics NTH SIG 17-09-2018
Digital Reactor Design Thermal Hydraulics NTH SIG 24-05-2017

Institute of Physics Conference (October 2019)
Nuclear Innovation Programme - Thermal Hydraulics (London)

Nuclear Innovation UK Conference (July 2019)
Nuclear Innovation Programme - Thermal Hydraulics (Sheffield)

BEIS Supplier day (January 2019)
Thermal Hydraulics Model Development (Birmingham)

ICONE26 Conference (July 2018)
ICONE Presentation on Project FORTE (July 2018)
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